Past Events
Edgar Fahs Smith Lecture (Emily Balskus, Harvard University)
5:00pm - Reception 6:00pm - Lecture Chemical discovery in the microbial world
GSK-Penn Symposium
Keynote Speaker: Matthew S. Sigman, University of Utah
Title: Developing Data Science Tools for Synthetic Chemists Matthew S. Sigman Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (USA)
Madeleine M. Joullié Lecture: Alison Wendlandt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Emergent selectivity in complex stereoarrays
Title: Emergent selectivity in complex stereoarrays
The Susan P. & Barry M. Trost Lecture in Organic Chemistry: F. Dean Toste (UC Berkeley)
Supramolecular Hosts as Enzyme Mimics
F. Dean Toste University of California, Berkeley Supramolecular Hosts as Enzyme Mimics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Lectures in Organic Chemistry: Vy M. Dong (UC Irvine) & Elizabeth Jurica (BMS)
Choose Your Own Adventure in Metal-Hydride Catalysis & One Route Does Not Fit All: Tailored Synthetic Strategies Enable the Discovery of New Therapies for Diabetes
Vy M. Dong University of California, Irvine Choose Your Own Adventure in Metal-Hydride Catalysis