
Physical Chemistry Seminar, Dr. Lasse Jensen, Pennsylvania State University

Inquiries please contact Rosa Vargas rvargas@sas.upen.edu
Feb 20, 2020 at - | Carol Lynch Lecture Hall
Chemistry Complex
Host: Dr. Subotnik


"Resolving Molecular Structures with High-Resolution Tip-Enhanced Raman
Scattering Images"


-Vibrational modes of a single molecule can be visualized by tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with atomic
resolution. However, the exact vibrations associated with these Raman scattering images are still in debate.
Here, we discuss our recent advances in modeling TERS imaging of single molecules. [1-2] We will
discuss the breakdown of the traditional Raman selection rules in these experiments due to the highly
confined near field. Furthermore, we elucidate the effects of near-field localizations, field gradient,
substrate effects on the resolution in Raman scattering images.


1. P. Liu, X. Chen, H. Ye, L. Jensen ACS Nano, 13, 9342-9351, 2019.
2. X. Chen*, P.Liu*, L. Jensen Nat. Comms. 10, 2567, 2019.